1) The wheel from Blackjacks old cage
2) Tube leading from Blackjacks cage to dining room (9)
3) Ropes
4) Cool house
5) Water container
6) Food bowl
7) Tube leading from Blackjacks cage to lookout (8)
8) Lookout
9) Dining room
Blackjack is getting spoiled. He has now moved from his little home to a giant mansion. His favorite thing in his new cage is the cool house. He spends a lot of time in the place eating and sleeping because the thing is made from a special aluminum so it is always cold. Another thing Blackjack loves is the dining room. He stores his food in the place and likes to clean himself in there too. He also goes there when the air con (which is right next to the dining room) is on. The last thing I am going to mention in this update is the lookout. Blackjack likes to climb up on the top and sometimes I feed him his treats through the top.